How to Achieve your Goals This Year

How to achieve your goals this Year

It is time for ‘New Year….New Me…’

New year brings with itself new hope and energy. Promises of a healthier lifestyle, spending more time with family, reducing weight, quitting smoking…the list is endless. Each year we set resolutions and in most cases these resolutions are confined just to our desks. But not this year with our guide on ‘How to Achieve your Goals’.



How to Achieve your Goals this Year? Read on and find out the 10 ways that will help you achieve your goals and truly make it a Happy New Year.

  • Focus on short term goals

Achieving short term goals is easier than achieving long term goals. Make sure that both your short term and long term goals are in sync so that you spearhead in the direction of success.

I’ll jog for 5 kms everyday (it can be a little difficult in the beginning). But if you resolve to walk 10 rounds of the park, it seems achievable and slowly you’d be able to run for 5 kms also.

  • Be realistic

“I’ll become size zero this year.” Of course this is possible but it is better of you to have realistic goals. It is easier to stick to them and achieve them. Don’t keep your goals unattainable. Realistic goals and resolutions would not be broken, thus, you’d be motivated to keep moving forward. “I’ll never eat chocolate’- very difficult, but “I’ll each chocolate just once a month” – quite possible and can be achieved.

  • Judge the pros and cons

Listing the pros and cons is helpful. List the advantages and disadvantages of your goal and how it will affect your life. It gives you motivation to keep going. Even if you take small steps in the direction of your goal, it would make a huge difference.

  • Positive Outlook

Losing hope is very easy. But in order to achieve your goals it is essential to stay positive and motivated. Believe that it will happen and you’ll see sooner or later it will fall into place. 

Whether your goal is to switch to a healthier lifestyle, quit a habit, manage your weight or spend more time in doing something you like, just keep going…How to Achieve your Goals

  • Talk to people

Keeping your resolutions and goals a secret would not help. Talk to people close to you – best friend, cousins, parents or a colleague and who knows you might just find a partner in crime.

There are high chances that you’ll find a person with similar goals or resolutions, and you can easily pair up. It would keep you both motivated and be helpful in low times.

  • Keep tracking your progress

To achieve your goals it is essential to track your progress. This would help you assess the situation, and especially the areas that need more attention. You can decipher insights to understand a particular pattern as well. For example, your goal is to reduce 20 kgs. Maintain a weekly track of your weight so that you know where you stand and how to control fluctuations.

  • Reward yourself

Celebrating success by treating yourself is a good idea. A pat on the back, a day at the spa, or a small bar of chocolate – reward yourself when you achieve a milestone in the journey of your goals. Make sure that the treat doesn’t contradict your goal.

Small or big, rewards motivate you to do better and push you an inch closer to your goal.

  • Don’t stress

You’ll just worsen the situation by stressing. Obsessing over your goal and resolutions will not help you achieve them. Do your best and take each day as it comes.

Carpe Diem! (Seize the day)

  • Keep trying

Golden Rule – try and try until you succeed.

Whether you want to achieve a healthier body, a higher degree, or someone’s trust, it is never easy. But it isn’t that difficult as well.

Keep yourself motivated to focus on your goals. Don’t give up by March itself. Difficulties are a part and parcel of every journey, but facing them with courage is the best solution. Keep trying and you shall succeed.

  • Patience pays

If you’ve adopted a new activity it would take a few days to become a habit, and a few weeks to become a part of your personality.

Adapting to change is human nature, but it takes time. Give yourself some time and don’t expect miraculous results overnight. Be realistic and gentle on yourself. Be patient and you will get there.

Now, have a patient read of this article again. Take a print out and read it daily/ weekly or as need be. The key is to be perseverant. Rome was not built in a day. Keep your spirits high. Talk to me if you want. Make 2016 count!

Do share this “How to achieve your Goals” Guide with someone in the same boat. Sharing is Caring!

What are your New Year resolutions and goals and how do you plan to achieve them? Do share with us in the comments below.

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