While waiting for bigger happiness of life, we tend to overlook the small joys of every day. It is time to count your blessings. Being grateful makes you happier and optimistic. With all the stress and chaos in life, many times we take for granted how blessed we are. Here’s how you can be more grateful.
5 ways to be grateful and count your blessings
1.Live in the moment
Life is beautiful and it becomes all the more enjoyable when you have golden memories to cherish for a lifetime. When you live in the moment, you live to the fullest. Break away from the monotony of your routine and take the road less travelled.
A day off enjoying with your pets, splurging on a gift for yourself, a solo trip! Savor each moment and don’t be a zombie in this concrete jungle.
2. Make a gratitude journal
Instead of posting your dreams and disasters, it is better to post thoughts you’re grateful for. Having a daily gratitude journal is a great idea. It gives you an opportunity to remember all the things that you are thankful for.
Set aside a few minutes every day to count your blessings. You could also have a gratitude jar. Keep filling it, and then at the end of the year you’ll have so many beautiful memories.
3. Control your thoughts
It is all in the mind. We have the power to control our thoughts. Channelize your energy into positive direction and see your life becoming happier.
Try and make a conscious effort to cut away negative thoughts. Surround yourself with positive company and indulge in things you love doing. This way you’ll be grateful for the small joys in life.
4. Don’t compare yourself to others
Comparing ourselves to others is a natural human tendency. We all do it. But the situation becomes out of hand when you start comparing yourself to others with the hope of attaining satisfaction. You don’t know what their journey is and nobody knows what it is to be in your shoes.
Comparison is the thief of joy. There’s no comparison between the sun and the moon. They shine when it’s their time. Be grateful for your special abilities.
5. Appreciate what you have
There’ll always be something that you’ll not have. But instead of focusing on what’s missing, appreciate what you have. The happiest people are the ones who are content with what they have.
Don’t crib for things you don’t have. A lot of people might crave for things and blessings that you have, so make sure to thank almighty for all the privileges and be grateful always.
Practice these points and see a change in your life. Share with someone who needs positivity right now. We wish you the best.
Read more on how to be happy in life.
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