‘Maybe you have to know the darkness before you can appreciate the light.’ – Madeline L’engle
Not all days can be happy and bright. There are times when we feel that nothing is right and life is gloomy. It is in such difficult times we need to put our best foot forward and fight the hardships. It is rightly said that some days you need to be your own sunshine. Self Improvement is an on-going process. Everyday has to be better than the last. While life will keep on throwing its bouncers, these Self Improvement Tips will help in sailing through.
Follow these 20 Self Improvement Tips and evolve to a new you.
Self Improvement Tips
- Get a good start
Wake up in the morning, have a hearty healthy breakfast and be ready to take each day as it comes. A good start means half the work is done. You are fresh in the morning and tend to get brighter and happier ideas that would surely help you go a long way.
- Follow a schedule
It is good to have a schedule and it is even better when you stick to it. Use that journal to make plans for the day or the week and it will help you be more organized. Slowly you would start developing a fuss free world.
- Accept the reality
Accepting the reality is of prime importance. When you know the cause it is always easier to find a solution. Analyze your strengths and weaknesses and work towards them.
- Take small breaks
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. If you don’t want to be Jack then take small breaks at regular intervals. Understand that self improvement is a long term process and would not happen overnight. The more you relax, the better it will be. Treat yourself to an ice-candy, a coffee date with yourself, or a day off at the spa!
Don’t be too harsh to yourself
We all want to achieve results quickly, but you have to remember that slow and steady wins the race. And since this is not a race, you can lounge and relax. If you become too harsh upon yourself, it will have a negative impact on your well being itself, and you don’t want that!
Word of advice: Before we move ahead, pick a pen and paper and make a note of these Self Improvement Tips. Pin them in front of your desk or at a place from where you can read them everyday. It’s a good idea to keep them handy.
- Face your fears
Face your fears and gather courage to fight against them. Big or small whatever your fear be, you need to strongly stand and punch it hard.
- Get away from clutter
Remove the clutter from your desk, mind and life. It takes a lot of space and emotions and you feel drenched out. Just keep the essentials in place and you will be good to go.
- Listen and incorporate feedback
Feedback is an important part of self improvement. Get opinions from people that matter to you, your parents, siblings, close friends, cousins etc. Listen what they have to say about you and analyze it. It would help you in understanding yourself better.
- Don’t procrastinate
All we’ll say is that the best time to do it is NOW…
- Learn a new language
Learning a new language is fun! All you need is dedication and commitment. We don’t say that the journey would be easy, but rest assured that the results would be totally worth all the effort. If you don’t want to learn a new language, learn cooking, dancing, singing or anything. The idea is to learn something new.
- Monitor your journey
Monitor your journey so that you know where you are going wrong and what your high points are. The journal would also be a great memory that would remind you of the good old times when you see it many years later.
- Learn from your mistakes
Starting something new is always a challenge. But always remember you either win or you learn. Make sure you don’t repeat your mistakes and take a lesson from them. Take a step higher and learn from other people’s mistakes so that you can avoid doing similar ones.
- Exercise and Meditate
One of the most important things for self development is to keep your mind and body fit. Indulge in any form of physical activity. Go jogging, swimming or play a sport of your choice. Also take time out to meditate and calm yourself.
- Introspection is important
Sit back and talk to yourself! Know what you feel so that you and your thoughts are aligned in the same direction. We understand that many times you are caught between the fight of head and heart. If you are head over heart, then stick to it. But if you are heart over head then you certainly need to be emotionally very strong.
- Listen to your gut feel
Do something only if your heart feels for it. Trust your instincts and gut feel. Follow the path that your heart guides you on and you shall surely find happiness, sooner or later.
- Find a mentor
It is always good to have someone to support and guide you on the right path. Find a trustworthy mentor who can suppress your anxiety, understand your problems and give you a correct advise.
- Don’t compare
One of the most common hindrances in motivation is comparison. Do not compare yourself with others. Everyone is different and has different abilities. The only competition you should have is your own self. Try being a better version of ‘you’ than what you were yesterday, a month back or even a year ago.
- Treat yourself now and then
It is always good to treat yourself. Something big or a small thing, the point is to keep you encouraged. It always feels good when you are rewarded. Develop into a happier person by treating yourself with a tad bit extra every now and then.
- Travel
Travelling to new places is a great way to spend your vacations. Plan a solo trip and do something not so touristy for starters. You will feel amazing and will be filled with new zeal and energy. If you are too skeptical about a solo travel, then travel with your bestie and you will find out a lot about yourself.
- Let ideas mingle
Talk to likeminded people, visit events that match your interest or join a group. Doing these will help you share your ideas. You will also get to know what other people are thinking and you never know when a new ideation clicks!
- Believe in Yourself
Last but not the least, Believe in Yourself. It’s ok to make mistakes, it’s ok to fail. We are all humans. To err is human, to forgive Divine. Forgive yourself for the past and move on. Keep your head high and keep walking towards your goals, aspirations, dreams and catch them by the hand.
It’s Your Life, Make it Count. Wake up, smile, breathe and work on yourself. Your destination is not far away.
We really hope that these Self Improvement Tips go a long way in shaping you for a better tomorrow. Would you like to say a word about your life and the way you improve it? We would love to read it in the comments below.
Good Luck for Your Life from the Heart
I agree with all of your 20 tips ???? and the fact about comparing ouselves is one i feel eveyone should understand it ! Also clutter is a big negativity around you it would act as a stumbling block between you and your goals.
Bang on…keep improving yourself, keep reaching new heights!
Truely ????????