Hiya my super duper lovelies
Wish you all a dashing 2014 and may all of you be richer in wardrobe, makeup, body and bath. Welcome to the first Blog Giveaway of 2014. With immense love and pleasure, this giveaway is a token of my love for all of you. Let’s welcome New Year in absolute style. Time to throw away old makeup and filling your dressing table with a fresh set of colors and hues.
This has to be a Brand new year with a super brand new makeup palette. The New Year has to rock and roll with bright moods, colorful days and healthy smiles. And this time Let’s Expresso wants to know the real you. The real you who is really real, the real you that defines you and makes you different from others.
How to win the Blog Giveaway:
Tell us the real you! The real you could be in love with makeup or may be is a no makeup person, could be a die hard eye shadow fan or just a kaajal+ lipgloss wearer. We just want to know the real you, the true you. Open your heart and be as honest as possible. If you ask me, I am a plain Jane most of the days and love to roam around with unkept hair. That’s me and I am proud of it.
Gratification: 4 lucky winners to get a hamper full of Elle 18 goodies for a brand new 2014. The tempting hamper will have lip balms, nail paints, color pop eyeliners, foundation and the list goes on…
- Like Let’s Expresso on Facebook here (If you haven’t already)
- Share this Contest Giveaway on your Facebook Timeline. Spread the contest to your family and friends.
- Leave the answer below in the comments.
The Contest Giveaway opens today and will close on 19th January’14. Open to Indian residents, the winners will be informed via email and will be declared on this page aswell. For any query, you can mail me at t4tanya@gmail.com and I will respond at the earliest. Have fun with these online giveaways. Do ensure you complete all the three steps mentioned above. All the Best.
Contest Result Alert: The winners for the ‘Elle 18 New Year contest’ are:
Megha Jain, Nadia Rafiq, Sneha Kumari and Ummi Aymen. Super hampers for super girls. Have a New Year with a brand new makeup palette.
Fashion Blog India | Makeup Blog India | Beauty Blogs India | Fashion Blogger India
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fb share link on my timeline – https://m.facebook.com/shilpakumari.poo/timeline/story?_e_pi_=7%2CPAGE_ID10%2C6908708064
@nd my ans – I’m a big makeup addict. I most love lip gloss or liner because they real technique to define me.
I can not go without the two products. And love to wear linear in all way like cateye, simple. And very interesting I show my glam side to use a highlighter ,eyeshadow or a lipstick .
I’m too real person to spend my good time wid makeup … or a. big active girl for all blogs.
Your are in my best blogger . you have good stylstatment .. and love all styl ur.
Thank you for a beautiful giveaway.
*finger cross*
Fb share link:https://www.facebook.com/nishat.anjum.545/posts/711857612228970?stream_ref=10
I am Nishat.I love to wear stylish dresses.I hv a photogenic phase as my friends and family members say to me.I am not very fashionable .but Always like to look fresh and charming.In my wardrobe always keep ear rings ,lipgloss .lipsticks ,colorful bangles and colourful liners..these beauty products i always keep in my bag wherever I go .
I hv too much addiction of ear rings and liners.i can’t go without these products.i try to win all the giveaways nd contest which are keep going to ur blog.I love Elle 18 products.i am nature lover nd animal lover person..
Always kep smile and try to make others happy..
Nice Giveaway.fingers cross’d
Fb share link:https://www.facebook.com/nishat.anjum.545/posts/711857612228970?stream_ref=10
I am Nishat.I love to wear stylish dresses.I hv a photogenic face as my friends and family members say to me.I am not very fashionable .but Always like to look fresh and charming.In my wardrobe always keep ear rings ,lipgloss .lipsticks ,colorful bangles and colourful liners..these beauty products i always keep in my bag wherever I go .
I hv too much addiction of ear rings and liners.i can’t go without these products.i try to win all the giveaways nd contest which are keep going to ur blog.I love Elle 18 products.i am nature lover nd animal lover person..
Always keep smile and try to make others happy..
Thanks for this Nice Giveaway.fingers cross’d
Name – Hema Thakur
fb share – https://www.facebook.com/hema.thakur.1612/posts/10201264283229107?stream_ref=10
I lovei t because its a way to enhance your natural beauty and its a lifesaver when you break out! It fun to play around with and create many different looks. Not only can it help you look more beautiful,i can change it up as much as i want. For me, makeup is a form of art. Just as i can express our self through the clothes i wear and i hairstyle, i can do the same with makeup… 😀
Wish to win 🙂 Thanks for lovely Giveaway 😀
share link – https://m.facebook.com/tani.kumar.12?_e_pi_=7%2CPAGE_ID10%2C7028525140
Name – Tani kumar
I’m a makeup girls.Always try how to pamper my self day by day .I think I proud my self I’m a girl .My parents also motivat me. I <3 love to collect accessories, dress, shoes. My skin tone too fair so ,I used only kajal or lip blam. Elle 18 one of my favorite brand, its trust full. My skin also very pigmented so I used even tone creams like foundation,BB cream … . Many time I go for my work without makeup .
Thanks Tnya for interesting giveaway .
nice giveaway
FB share link: https://www.facebook.com/meenakshi.kapur.9/posts/511081025674501?stream_ref=10
am a simple, honest, straight forward person and if I don’t like any one’s comments or anything so I just tell them and in regards to make up, I only apply moisturizer daily on my face after bathing, use nail paints in a month and I use makeup if my mood is to do some makeup and I need to attend some function which includes a compact powder, kajal, some eye-shadow and a lip stick or may be a lip gloss and dats real me if am in mood, would do make up other wise I believe am okay the way I look 🙂
I don’t like to use too much of makeup. I love to wear lipsticks of nude shade and I love to have curly hairstyle. I always want to be simple and elegant.
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Shared the contest on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/devi.priya.712/posts/570627183018535?stream_ref=10
My email: fb_asha@yahoo.com
the true me is someone who loves to eat a lotttt…ice-creams,pizza ,cakes…and make-up for me is kajal and lip balm…sometimes compact powder is okay but i love kajal…i feel i cant do without it and sometimes pop make-up is okay but i think i end up looking like a clown as i really don’t know whether it suits me…I’m an University student and you will find me i basic jeans and simple kurtas munching chips or chattering or simply sleeping if I’m bored…and make-up wise i guess I’m lazy also but i love when my dear ones request me to dress up in a certain way and i try not to disappoint them
Hi Tanya, thank you for such a tempting giveaway!! 😉
The real me is hard to know because I myself get confused sometimes as WHO AM I ACTUALLY because I have many colors though, but I’m a very shy person! I’m shy by nature and it takes little time to indulge fully with someone and mix up. But I’m a makeup lover a biggg makeup love, love experimenting with looks and trying new hairstyles but only on occasional basis. At home I love keeping my hair unkept alothough I have Very Longggg hair and I too love roaming in just those plain clothes whether its winter or summer. While I love KAJAL and I apply them on daily basis. I Love Having lots and lots of Junks but at the same time conscious too! 😀
Followed all the steps..
Shared the contest on my facebook profile : https://www.facebook.com/meena.jain.9484/posts/388297997982695?stream_ref=10
and also liked the page! !:)
Wish to win!!:)
Happy New Year-
Liked the fb page via -sherry shubhra
shared the contest-https://www.facebook.com/sharonn.johm/posts/226612534177872?stream_ref=10
The real me is a mix of both the world . I can be equally sweet at the same time I can be bitter depending upon the situation,I don’t have a double face ,I am who I’m,I really don’t bother what the world has to say .
That’s me ,live life on my terms and condition.
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The real me is a girl who is simple most of the time but when she dresses she can turn heads around.I am loving,caring,friendly and very humble.All these qualities make me what i am.I do love make up a lot and admire people who can carry it really well.My role maodel being Priyanka chopra…She is sweet and very graceful and I truly admire her…A Daddy’s girl:)just like me…..
I like to keep it simple!Give me my Kajal and lipgloss & I’ll be a happy person,ready for the day!:D And I believe to always keep that million dollar smile on my face because as they say,smiling girls(it’ll be woman for me..hehe :P) are the prettiest!The one thing I’m very particular about is keeping my body and my surroundings clean!I can’t go without having a bath or brushing my teeth twice everyday!If my room is in a mess,I cannot bear it!I like to keep things at the right place,in an organized manner so that I find them whenever I need them!And I believe that the only person I should be better than is the person I was yesterday,I love to be happy,spread the happiness & keep improving my self!And all the grooming would go waste if you don’t love yourself,so I believe in being confident about myself and loving myself!Also,my trick to look gorgeous always is that I make sure I get my well deserved 8 hours of sleep everyday!:D
Thanks for the amazing Giveaway.. 🙂
Well,I am a simple girl with high thinking and high Dreams,Loves to interact with New people around and loves to help others and Can’t see anyone in pain, so always there to advise for their betterment.Besides that, I am a shoppaholic and loves to try different makeovers.Depending upon the situation, I try my Best Efforts,whenever I feel my commitment is calling me.I love myself and never bother what others Think about me,as I Follow One golden Rule of my Life,”Live and Let Live” and That’s Real me.. 😀 🙂
Done with all the required steps (liked your page, shared with all my friends , here is the link https://www.facebook.com/kamla.jain.921/posts/1431718107060936?stream_ref=10)
Wish to win.. 🙂
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Am a makeup junkie 🙂 Loves to try all kind of makeup stuff from various brand! My favourite part of makeup is eye 🙂 so I always more concentrate on my eyes to look more dramatic & bold.On my regular day basis I apply liquid liner which shows me even more beautiful n unique :-* Also for Party & Occasion time I choose Smokey look which show out my eyes even more glamorous 😉 Elle 18 has unique range of colour in eyeliners which is so affordable & vibrant look which help me to go out so comfortable and easy way 🙂
Name: Huma sheikh
fB page – like (already)
FB share: https://www.facebook.com/huma.sheikh.9404/posts/1416614515244210?stream_ref=10
Emai ID: humasheikhhuma@gmail.com
I love makeup…Love most Kajal Eye liner Face powder or lip balm..it simple and stylish.love to have long hair..Love traveling shopping nd Chatting…:D This is me real me and love to myself…hope to win
fingers cross..and Love your Blog most..:)
The real me hates makeup! I dont always look like my profile picture does.
Days when i am at home, I just use a milk cleanser and rose water and keep my face clean.
I wash my face with a face wash thrice a day since my skin is very oily and sensitive.
I do not like wearing fancy clothes at home, you will probably see me in tanks and sweat pants with a top knot.
And not to forget the dark circles under my eyes.
I spend half of the time snuggling under my blanket or eating a bucket of ice cream or chocolate mousse.
Liked and shared!
Facebook share link: https://www.facebook.com/nadia.rafique.716/posts/202408883291337?stream_ref=10
Hi, my name is Nadia. I love to read, write, swim and when it comes to fashion- experiment! Fashion gives me a chance to express myself without having to speak. I am a geek’s fantasy when it comes to studies but fashion on the equal parameter, keeps me appealing and enviably gorgeous. I like to wear clothes that make me feel comfortable in my own skin and my style which I believe is eternal, is anything that depicts the real me. You will find me wearing a burgundy jumpsuit, with white blazer and rust gold ear rings studying with a cup of coffee, nerd glasses and books around in the library. That would be me- fashionable and studious.
Fb share: https://www.facebook.com/snehakumariforyou/posts/1413486902227415?stream_ref=10
If you ask me the real me, I would say, I am courageous, I love fashion and make-up! I have a very positive outlook. Back in the day, in my growing up days, due to all kind of peer pressure I did not completely accept the way I look and I constantly kept reminding myself I am not really gorgeous. Lets admit it, many of us do feel that way. I would get bullied and people would speak all kind of things about me. But as I learned a lesson in life, it was the moment I chose to be happy. I chose to feel beautiful. It was that time I started to feel comfortable in my own skin and I don’t give others a chance to tell me otherwise. I feel beautiful about myself and confident in the way I am. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder and indeed it is!
I feel gorgeous because I choose to. I love doing make-up, rose pink is my favorite lipstick color. I play around with hairstyles and I love asymmetrical layers haircut. My confidence, my bright smile, positive attitude and my acceptance to the way I have been created makes me feel beautiful and that’s the real me 🙂
I am a simple and eye makeup loveR girl who loves to do lots of eye makeup mainly golden and bronze shadows with traditional dresses..
Always go smokey with western outfits, One piece lover. Can eat dozens of chocolate specially cadbury silk.
This is me, the real me ..
I’m a big rat lover.I love to collect to flat shoes, mostly bright clrs.They make me diffr to others.
I love to hangouts wid my buddies . using mostly lip gloss nd linr
and my dark side show in nyt parties wearing a short gown , smokey eys or a bright shiny lips.
I love chines food.
big face maker.
dusky babe, big eyes, nd having pouty lips.
elle 18 is one of my fav brand.
love to win 🙂
Ty Tanya for giveaway.
share your post *done*
My self shina. student in medical line.
wearing shorts kurti or suits.
Long hairs ,alway want to make new creation or style. Makeup I used in parties or occasions. Regular I used elle 18 products like kajal, foundation or my favorite juicy lips *berry*.
I love nature like garden, color full flowers. favorite pet rat. my mom died with cancer so I live with my massi. I have lots of sister. Massi loves me alot.
first time I’m participating. Hoped I win.
The real me is the cheerful, joyous, eccentric and serene version of me which comes about when life is going well, friendly… not rude ( HATE Swearing). averagely pretty…ish… quite smart! not so popular…fashionable even though i dont have the clothes! ANNOYS brother. Loves the sims, minecraft! I Heart: My Dog, Mum, Dad,My other friends and “MAKEUPP” and I think of it like an accessory to an outfit. It’s fun :DI love makeovers cause a change is always a second option…With that being said I would like to thank you for all the generosity and love, Amazing giveaway 🙂
Good Luck to everyone who participates
Loads of love xoxo’s
I am Bidisha, a cheerful fun-loving girl who loves to enjoy every aspect of life. I love singing, dancing and travelling. I love visiting new places and enjoying with friends. I am a great foodie, I love eating delicious foods and partying with friends. I love flowers and gardening is my hobby.
I am fashionable and smart. I love wearing various stylish clothes and accessories. I love to mix and match my outfits with accessories. I love shopping very much and I am a great shopaholic. Mostly I love wearing kurtas, tops, skin fit trousers and jeans.
I am practically a no makeup person, although I apply lipsticks to my lips sometimes. I feel that natural beauty is the best thing and it can not be complimented with an artificial makeup product.
So, that’s all about me. 😀
Thanks for the lovely giveaway.
Wow When I read the Question first , “I started to think Who is real me”.. If I see myself thro my daily routine then I see Myself as A women, A mother, A wife, A caretaker, A friend, A all-rounder.. I am basically a girl , who does what she wants to do, During the day i dont put on any makeup, just comb my hairs n get on with the daily routine work, starting from preparing tiffin to boxes to daily all my household work.. SO I will only be seen without any makeup with hair tied into a pony.. Even then i feel complete when my Kids kiss me on forehead n goto school..
In the evening i wear lite makeup with lipgloss n all when going out to park.. other than that i am very simple n plain person..
My share link
Thank you this lovely giveaway..
Fb Share Link https://www.facebook.com/seema.rastogi.564/posts/1437383653159940?ref=notif¬if_t=mention
To be truly honest of what i am is very energetic..I just love to enjoy the work given to me and i m really very fond of looking beautiful.I try to maintain my beauty by using natual products like raw milk,tumeric,jhaiphal etc. to make myself look gorgeous and stunning..In short i can say that i just love myself and even want that everyone should do work as it is on my commands..i.e. i m very dominating and commanding too..i love makeup a lot and tries new looks a lot..Loves going to parties and enjoy eye makeup using kajal,eye liner,eye shadows..My first love in myself is my hair and eyes..
FB LINK https://www.facebook.com/er.nam.31/posts/1471316263096063?ref=notif¬if_t=mention
The real me is a no makeup person who always want to be in the simplest form by putting Kohl and just lip gloss..I Doesnot apply anything other than this..It is not because i dont like it..Its coz i m a bit lethargic or lazy..So instead of doing all stuff,i prefer to be away from it..I love to live in messy envt. around me.I when going out roams in messy bun or just simple pontail.I just like to be simple and now it just becomes my Status Symbol..So i m just loving it..
I am very simple almost all of the days in a year except any occasion. I use simple apparels, a sunscreen, a lip balm, a hair clip and nothing more in routine. This is me and I am proud of it.