Lovely readers, I’m at the end of the Gillette Venus #SubscribetoSmooth 30 day challenge. While some of you have explicitly given a Yes To Shaving post my articles on ‘Busting Shaving Myths’, some of you are still not convinced. Here is my final take on Shaving based on my experience over the last 30 days. This should help you in making up your mind and simplifying your life.
Say Yes To shaving with Gillette Venus:
- Shaving is by far the easiest and the most convenient Hair removal technique. It can be done at the comfort of your home with an extra 5 minutes in the shower.
- Painless, fast and easy. You are not applying any chemicals on your skin. You are not pulling out hair in a painful way.
- Value for money or I should say the cheapest method of hair removal. The shaver lasts for a good time and the cartridges can be replaced from time to time.
- The shaver is portable. Carry it along for vacations, out station marriages or work tours. It just fits into your makeup kit. No more of wearing that long skirt just because of those tiny miny hair popping out.
- Save your parlour time. Keep it for a relaxing pedicure or a manicure. Or better, get a body massage done.
- Use a good quality shaver. That’s important. Gillette Venus is by far the best razor for women. The brand gets the best of best technology for easy and effective shaving. One can rely on Gillette with eyes closed. The blue strip on the blade fades away indicating a change for optimal shave. Gillette Venus is for Rs 199/-. A pack of 3 blades is for Rs 275/-.
- Shaving is the most preferred hair removal method the world over. Favourite for the generation on the go!
- No skin damage. Read below for shaving related myths.

How to Shave?
- Hydrate your skin under water. Wet it enough.
- Lather up using a shaving gel. Avoid a soap. It not only strips the skin off moisture, it’s not gentle enough like a shaving gel. I use Gillette Satin Care shaving gel. It helps the raxor to glide over the skin and saves from potential cuts.
- Shave in the right direction. Start from ankle and upwards for legs. For other body parts, as per the hair growth.
What to use after shaving?
Loads & Loads of body butter or a body creme or a body oil, depending on whatever you use. But moisturise your skin to the core.
Shaving Tips
- Always use a light touch while shaving. Do not force the shaver on your body parts. It can lead to cuts.
- Be careful while using a new blade. Be very gentle else you’ll end up in cuts and nicks.
- Always rinse and air dry your razor to prevent it from clogging.
- Shave as per requirement. Each body type has different body growths. Shave as per your need and what makes you happy and feel confident. It’s how you feel at the end of it!
- Do not share your razor. It’s personal and only meant to be used by you. Sharing may lead to skin infections. Even the thought of sharing a razor freaks me out. Its damn personal.
- Use a shaving gel for optimal shaving results.
- Moisturise your skin adequately post shaving.
How often do I shave?
I shave as per my need. I do not have a fixed pattern. But almost every second or third day, depending upon the growth and the requirement, I shave.
Gillette Venus app has all the information around shaving.
Gillette Venus Razors can be bought online from Amazon.
I have converted to a shaving consumer. It has altered my lifestyle. How about you?
Tanya Virmani
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