Giveaway: Go Funatic with these fitness hampers!

blog giveaways
This hamper has all the fitness essentials.

Fitness is Fantastic! Fitness is Funatic! is a brand for the lovers of fitness and sports. Funatic represents true sports fans, loyalists and lunatics who love their sports teams, their sports heroes and dare to wear them on their chests. You can be passionate about any sport, be it the country’s lifeline Cricket or the new talk of the town Tennis. It may be your sweat for basketball or a butterfly stroke at swimming, there is a t-shirt for each sport fanatic. Wear your heart on your T-shirt.

Last week, the brand sent me 2 t-shirts of my choice and since then fitness has taken a major part of my mind space. Sometimes you need a punch in your face, and this t-shirt was just that.

lifestyle blog India
So true and so hard hitting! and Let’s Expresso bring together this amazing Fitness Giveaway.

3 lucky winners to get an amazing hamper with the following products:

  1. Funatic Tshirt
  2. A sipper bottle
  3. A wrist band.

blog giveaways
This hamper has all the fitness essentials.

To ENTER the Blog Giveaway, just follow these 4 easy steps:

1. Follow Let’s Expresso & on Facebook.

Like LE on Here here and Funatic Here.

2. Share this giveaway on your Facebook timeline

Click the “like” button, add a comment in the box and click the “post” button – this will share this post on your Facebook timeline:

3. Subscribe to the Let’s Expresso Blog

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4. Answer the following question in the comments below

Your fitness tip that always works?

3 lucky winners get this amazing hamper. Please ensure that you do all the 4 steps fully.

Please note that the designs may differ from hamper to hamper.

The Contest Giveaway opens today and will close on 5th December’15. Open to Indian residents, the winners will be informed via email and will be declared on the blog’s Facebook page aswell. For any query, you can mail me at and I will respond at the earliest. Have fun with these blog giveaways. All the Best.

Thanks for being lovely readers. Share the contest with family and friends. Let them have a chance too. Sharing is caring

All the Best!

Tanya Virmani

Follow me on Twitter @letsExpresso and Instagram @letsExpresso and join me on Facebook @LetsExpresso.

The winners are Leena, Aarsia and Kavya Seetala.

  1. My fitness tip that always works: Sipping 2-3 glasses of warm water early in the morning when your’e out of bed. This is an age old tip that works effectively.

  2. My Fitness Tip is to Drink atleast 1 Glass Water First early in the morning and do atleast 30 minutes exercise daily

  3. take time out for a morning walk even if it is for 5 minutes. Soon it will become a habit and the duration will increase 🙂

  4. MY FITNESS MANTRA IS TO DRINK MORE AND MORE WATER AND DO REGULAR YOGA PRACTICE. It enlightens up inside out and fill me with positivity and good vibes.

  5. Drink plenty of water.Avoid processed or packaged foods,Eat healthier snacksand do atleast 45 minutes exercise daily

  6. Very cool giveaway and infact a very fit giveaway inspiring me to maintain fitness.
    For me a health tip won’t be like being a health trainer give up junk,no sweets and all.My mantra to fitness and Health is Eat and WorkOut!
    Have a proper diet,eat whatever you want but workout daily to burn those calories and maintain weight.A 1 hour daily walk can work wonders. 🙂
    I do it daily weather tired or half dead and yes it makes me feel fresh and ever healthy. 🙂

  7. Hi Tnaya
    My fitness mantra is avoiding junk and drinking 12 glasses of water everyday
    i avoid jubk and eat aerly before going to bed.
    i driunk coconut water Empty stomach everyday
    I take staircase and avoid lifts
    Wish to win
    I do power yoga and surya namaskar everyday
    Sugandha Dixit

  8. The best trick that work wonders for me is to avoid Sugar, running with my dogs twice a day. I don’t eat after 7 in the evening..

  9. There can be no one fitness mantra – being fit is a combination of a healthy body and mind. Which is why I have started doing yoga recently and strongly recommend it to everyone. It not only works out your body and keeps it fit, it also increases your flexibility and strength with the stretches. Doing different asanas are beneficial for different organs of the body right from lungs and heart to the eyes. Meditation helps me focus and remain calm and strong from within. It’s not just healthy…it is holistic!
    (Done linking, subscribing, and sharing as well.)

  10. First of all a healthy mind leads to a healthy body. If you can control your mind , you can do anything. Accept yourself as you are. Drinking warm lemon water with cinnamon and honey does wonders. Completely detoxifies your body. Next step is to have small meals every 2hrs instead if 3 large meals. This increases your metabolism and your body doesnt store fat. Also exercising is very important. 1hr of exercise, with half of cardio and half of weight is more than sufficient. Yoga and pilates is also a very good exercise cos you use your own body weight to lose weight rather than using machines. Most importantly you should have the will power.

  11. hi Tanya,
    my fitness Mantra is as fallows :

    “MY Yoga Connects Me To God”
    Gayatri Mantra:
    “Om (Sacred Syllable)
    Bhur Bhuvah Suvaha
    Tat Savitur Vareniyam
    Bhargo Devasay Dheemahi
    Dhiyo Yo Nah Prachodayath”
    Every day I do yoga early in the morning since college life in my open yard near to my mother earth along with my lovely trees as there is Tulsi which provide me healthy fresh Oxygen early in the morning while doing yoga & Lord Shiva Makaing my atmosphere divine. I start off yoga by “ Gayatri Mantra mentioned above & My Yoga Guru Shri Janardhan Swami Maharaj Ki Jay” Yoga brings positive thoughts which keeps my body fit, vibrant & entergetic. Exercising keep my body healthy. While doing yoga I visualize every part of my body from head to toe, enjoy good health & vibrant energy. Yoga helps me to focus on happy thoughts which gives me a wonderful sense of contentment making me feel so healthy & happy. I am ever so thankful to the almighty for blessing me with such a great guru Shri Janardhan Swami Maharaj & a beautiful body. Every day I do padmasan, pranayam, pavan muktasan, naukasan etc. Yoga has a strong healing power to keep me mentally as well as physically fresh. Prounanciation of OM has a magical positive effect on my body. “Yoga is a ladder towards Tranquility .”
    Importance of Asana
    Pranayam : Increase the oxygen level of the body & make lessen the circumference of tummy which have excess fats. Brings waves of positive thoughts in our mind.
    Pavan Muktasan : This Asan is invented by yog guru Shri Janardhan Swami Maharaj which keeps our belly portion fexible, releasing poisonous gaseous of body along with special exercise to legs.
    Naukasan : This Asan Makes reduces fats of thigh & belly portion. Keeps us agile & active.

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