If looks could kill, my sister-in- law would be a hailed criminal by now. The way she dresses at work, it is powerful and feminine and oh so very chic- all at the same time. So when I heard about the Van Heusen – LinkedIn Most Fashionable Professional contest, I knew I had to nominate her. At one point in time I had seen her everyday in her stylish work clothes. And then I got married but my fetish for her clothes never ended. And when I heard about this contest, I instantly nominated her to show my love and respect for her everyday thought provoking attires.

The Van Heusen – LinkedIn Most Fashionable Professional contest started from the 1st of July’15 and is a month long activity. It’s an easy way to appreciate your Best Dressed family, peers and friends. Following are the easy steps to participate:
- Login to the contest website – www.vhmfp.com
- Sign in using your LinkedIn user ID and Password.
- Nominate upto 5 people from your network as the fashionable professionals. Nominations can be for men and women both.
A panel of fashion experts would then go on to select 5 male and 5 female winners based on the nominations and their power scores. These 10 final winners will be featured in country’s leading fashion magazine. One out of these 10 will be selected to get a wardrobe makeover from Van Heusen.
I’m totally excited to see my sis-in-law winning this one and why not? She truly deserves it. So if you know someone who is a true deserver too, head on to the site and nominate now.
Here are some quick pointers for Power Dressing at work out of my personal experience:
- Always have a crisp white shirt and a well fitting black pant. This is a combo you can always rely on. When nothing else works, this surely does.
- Invest in a comfortable pair of heels. You have to be on your toes through out the day, so a comfortable pair of heels takes you along in a jiffy. Look for wedges or block heels.
- Own a statement bag. A bag defines you, says alot about you. If you have to save considerably to buy one, do it. Having a statement bag is a must.
- Adorn matching scarves. Scarves work over all kinds of outfits. They just amplify the X quotient.
- A knee length skirt and a nice top or shirt is an excellent head turner. Just wear it well and wear it in style.
- Well built and chic pumps are a must if you cannot wear heels. I personally restrict heels and live most of my life out of comfortable flat shoes.
- A watch says alot about you. Own a good one.
- Always smell good. Period!
- Have some light Makeup on and look good.
- Always wear a smile. Nobody wants to see a grumpy face.
If you have anything else to add to the list of Power Dressing at work, pour it in the comments below. And I hope by now you have that someone ready in your mind to nominate. Go ahead, make someone smile by appreciating his or her efforts in Power Dressing that goes every morning. It takes real efforts- I mean it.
wow, I’m nominating right away. I love the way my daughter dresses.
Wow, sounds good. 🙂
Nice contest, worth participating. I hope to win the wardrobe makeover.
I hope too 🙂
not a contest , a real life power dressing show, not show stopper ,but show creator
Totally agree… Van Heusen is a brand to reckon for creating power dressing at work.