Time to clear the mess …

Whether in your mind or on your desk, its time to clear the mess. No point hanging on to items, emotions or dilemma you don’t need. They only add to the mess and as it is there is enough mess around .

Lets un-complicate … lets atleast strive for a better time …lets atleast put in the effort. It’ll be tough , so is living the current life .There will be fights and the fights will be within our own self but so be it. A little harshness today is worth a cleaner tomorrow. My view, ask yourself the questions that bother you,pen them down. Like a question paper during exam time, prepare your own question-answer sheet. Write all the questions and answer them as honest as you can . There might be no clear yes or no , but you’ll get directions. You’ll atleast know what your heart wants and what your mind says and then take a stand accordingly.

Whether personal or professional, this way is surely to help. The professional problems look big but trust me , they are there because you are in that job or business. The people creating those problems can be changed by changing the job or by changing the business associates. But the personal problems are the ones to carefully consider. These are your people and they have to be treated differently while handling the concerns. Give them all benefits of doubts.

The simpler the life, the easier to live and the easier to enjoy…One doesn’t know whether there will be a tomorrow or a decade more to live .Whatever is it, its NOW and NOW is the time to enjoy it rather than fretting over issues and wasting time. Simplify and clear the mess as much as possible -laugh more, sing more ,create more ,give joy to others, be nice to others and HAVE A BLAST – Zindagi milegi na dobaara !

  1. Totally agree.. I have started living with – Less is More. Decluttering from my wardrobe to people to facebook..has made my life so much easier.

    1. Decluttering is so important ,though difficult but very necessary..till the time old will not go, how will the space for new come in ! Thanks Kajal.

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