The Indians and their Gold obsession !

Well Old is gold is the old saying and older the gold, the bolder it is. Its like wine- the older the better.

Gold as a metal is the most sought after and preferred . The Indians have an obsession with the yellow metal.Since the day we are born, our mothers start keeping aside some by some so that when the day of our marriage arrives, there is loads to give. We are taught the value of gold as little ones and no price rise can reduce the demand for gold in our country.We like to say all our festivals or achievements , weddings or birthdays, investments or savings with gold. We love to talk about it and advertise the quantity we possess in our lockers and homes.

The presence of gold has gone deeper into our lives.The gold highlights in our hair and the gold shimmer on our cheeks ensure we go smashing into the night.The golden silhouette and the golden color of our car go hand in hand a long way. Looking around only ensures our fixation with the color and its shades.

Gold is the most fashionable and talked about metal.We wear it and yes we flaunt it . We hoard it and constantly eye it.The 24 carat  of bauble is a 24 hour obsession. Gold as a fashion statement is so deep in our DNA that its impossible to sway us from our
gold fetish.

Checkout : My love for gold reinvented at Kalyan Jewellers

We love to be emotionally invested in gold – touch, hoard and even trade.We buy beautiful jewellery,coins, bars and now even gold ETFs.The jewellers and the banks, both encash on our obsession with the metal. The famous brand Tanishq uses Amitabh Bachchan and his wife Jaya Bachchan as brand ambassadors to promote the brand and increase sales. Similarly every brand is
shouting with full page ads and use of eminent bollywood personalities to impress the consumers.

Our rooms are also acquiring a rich golden sheen from gold sprays on the walls to golden bed sheets. The interiors are specifically done in gold hues and shades to give a deep elegant aesthetic. The bling in our sandals to the tassels on our dupattas, each is coated a different gold and yet they all look sparkling.

Gold in my dine and gold in my smile and gold even on the car that takes me a mile …. All that glitters is gold !Don’t forget to checkout, Gold shoes to gold bangle

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