Put Your Best Foot Forward- Carry Your Heels Right with our How To Walk in Heels guide

how to walk in heels

Learning how to walk in heels is one of the beautiful skills a woman has to acquire through practice. Heels give poise and elegance to a woman’s gait. As with everything else there is a right way and a wrong way of walking in heels. Most young ladies begin wearing heels without any guidance. This can lead to injuries. Here are some tips to remember when you begin to unleash your sexuality and learn how to walk in heels.

As always the first people to wear high heels were the Egyptians and that was more than five thousand years ago. High heels have been associated with status and sex since Roman times. Women of the oldest trade in the world were legally allowed to carry on their popular work.  They wore high heels to distinguish themselves from the run of the mill and humdrum women. Perhaps that is the reason for the connection of high heels with sexuality.

Here’s How to walk in heels guide:

  • Kitten Heels

Today there are experts giving walking lessons to aspiring social queens on how to walk in heels. The first advice is very logical and involves taking baby steps. Kitten heels are the first ones you should acquire. These were indeed known as trainer heels and they were made all the rage in the 1950s by Audrey Hepburn, the Breakfast at Tiffany’s star. Walking in the little centered heels is easy. Kitten heels are available in a range between 1.5 and 1.75 inches. The big thing about kitten heels is that they are again popular with the First Lady Michelle Obama who wears them with long knee length skirts. Another First Lady who loves kitten heels is Carla Bruni of France. So go ahead and practice, you are in great company here. A big proponent of kitten heels is the shoe icon Manolo Blahnik.

  • Heel to Toe

When you walk you never notice that you are putting your heel first on the ground and then the toe follows. Try it out in your flat shoes first. This is one step you have to remember as being important in your quest for answers to how to walk in heels. Step forward and the heel should be placed first on the ground and then the toe. This is how you are going to practice with your newly bought kitten shoes.

  • Scrape the slippery sole

New shoes have very slippery soles. This can be dangerous when you are walking in high heels. The simple trick to avoid injury because of a slippery new shoe is to deliberately scuff the sole with a sharp metal object like a knife or a car key. Gently scrape off the shine and now your shoe is ready for a safe and sexy walk. This is a lesson you can pass on to your friends who like you maybe learning how to walk in heels.

  • Do not fight the sexy hip roll

One of the reasons for the sexiness of high heels is the natural hip roll that you get when you walk in them. In the beginning you might be a bit reluctant to step on the gas of your new sexy glamorous walk. Do not be shy. It is natural to have that sway in your hips once you wear the heels. Go with it and walk naturally with rhythm. Stun them with that sway.

  • Higher Heels

Use your high heeled shoes frequently and you will soon acquire adeptness in walking with them. It is now time to go for the higher heels. You can start with black pumps for the office with a two inch or more heels. Learn how to manage these all season shoes that will match almost every dress in your wardrobe. Once you have mastered these it is time to move on to the real killers, the stilettos.

  • The right size

One thing you must ascertain at the store when you buy heels is to make sure they fit you comfortably and snugly. Do not be tempted to buy bigger or smaller shoes just because they are so beautifully designed. The right size in high heels will keep you safe from injuries.

Go ahead and enjoy your new sensuality but remember to take care of your shoes and your feet. A relaxing massage or a hot water foot dip at the end of the day is a good vitaliser for your feet after a day in high heels. My personal advice: Don’t overdo heels. Always give gaps with flat shoes or sports shoes to ensure that your friendship with heels go a long way. So my girlies, I hope you are ready to adorn those killer heels and Let’s Express’O ourselves in them.


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