My 5 reasons you should send more handwritten notes


Handwritten notes have my heart, always. There is something very unique about them. The way handwritten notes strike a chord is unmatched to any other way of communicating your feelings. The emotions flow directly through the curves and strokes of alphabets. The way a sentence ends in a comma or full stop has a whole word of emotions seeping through punctuation marks. I can go on and on but here are my 5 reasons you should send more handwritten notes.

My 5 reasons you should send more handwritten notes

  1. Handwritten notes are intimate
    Handwritten notes show that you have gone an extra mile to write them. They show your love and care for the receiver. Nothing is more intimate than getting a beautiful note inked in blue and black with hand drawn hearts and smilies. One can actually feel the effort put in and pain taken to get the paper/card and a pen. I can clearly see through the involvement of the giver and what I mean to them. Handwritten notes are very intimate.

  2. They are permanent
    Handwritten notes can be cherished and kept as a memento for a lifetime. I still have handwritten notes and cards of my school and college time. They take me back as long as 25 years and it feels so nostalgic. The warmth in those words echo every time I read them. Where else can I get this feeling? Nowhere, I mean it.

  3. We can hold onto them forever
    Unlike an email or a text message that can be deleted, handwritten notes are permanently kept somewhere safe in the attic or old box or a shelf in the study table. I may open this shelf once in a year or 2 years, but its like a pandora’s box whenever opened. I can see childhood friendships floating around me and most of them do not exist anymore or are lost in this mayhem of life. These handwritten cards get me back to forgone life and how!

  4. Care and attention to the receiver flows through them
    It takes an effort to write notes through hands. In this fast age of short forms and emoticons, going the long way shows the love of the person for you. It shows the care and attention being given to you. In fact if I have to show my care for a person, I go the traditional way of writing through my hands. The way I can pour my feelings over paper is unmatched. I can feel my own emotions getting the dignity they deserve. It’s a memorable way to touch the people we love.

  5. It’s classy and oh so sexy!
    I’ll admit that handwritten letters are too classy and make us stand out too. Handwritten notes is a classy way to reach out and set yourself apart as a lady or a gentleman by stroking your words as a stamp of your love and care.

    In this hustle and bustle of life, I still believe in the longevity and positive outcomes of handwritten notes.
    I have seen many of my friends making a conscious effort of writing their feelings out on cards and hand notes paper. Even organisations are making a conscious effort of reaching their customers through hand notes. Being a blogger I receive many of them and it’s a delight getting those hand notes each time. Some organisations also use nonprofit direct mail to reach their customers. It is an easy way to send personalise, quality direct mail from a non profit organisation. Just check the featured image to get an idea about how organisations can send personalised cards and touch their customers genuinely.

    Handwritten notes create a wonderful surprise and give a chance to show off your writing too, wink! For a talented calligrapher, handwritten letters are occasions of fame. Or, if you’re like me, writing handwritten letters gives you a chance to show your strokes and true feelings.
    With this, it’s a wrap to the article. I’ll see you with another one soon. If you love writing handwritten notes, lemme know your reason in the comments below. Take Care and stay connected here.

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