Internet is fun on Vodafone!

Internet is a vast subject in itself that has evolved to become a human necessity. Browsing has become as important as the fresh air we breathe. The boom in technology and the growing demand of the Internet has made it possible to browse while you are on the move. For this you do not need your bulky laptop or even if it is a portable one, you still have a better option to access the Internet on your mobile phone. How simple is that and Internet fun too!

Mobile technology has changed the world by simplifying the approach of reaching out to people from all nooks and corners. With various applications; free/paid and unlimited services, Internet on mobile phones has become a fascination. Moreover, with the advent of superior technology like 3G and 4G soon approaching, it is feasible to transfer both voice-data in the form of a telephone call and non-voice data such as downloading data, exchanging e-mail, instant messaging and video telephony. You can stay mobile yet more connected to the world. Now, you can do multiple tasks without waiting to be at the right place or the right time. The biggest stress buster is that you are refrained to sit again on your PC or laptop after spending the entire day at work. And when Vodafone is the service provider, Internet fun multiplies. Here’s a list of all that I do while on my move to make internet fun on mobile:

  1. Browsing Internet – I use Internet on my mobile phone for browsing any kind of information. I surf the Internet while I am on my way back home from office sitting in my car, with the driver driving of course! Tip :What you need to do is simply go to the web browsing application, enter the name of the website and there you go.
  2. E-mail – I have setup multiple e-mail settings to send/receive e-mails. I do not like to stay disconnected even for a minute, so I manage all my accounts handy on my mobile phone by a simple setup procedure. By doing this I also save the time and effort of logging in again and again to my accounts. Tip: as once the setup is complete, you remain logged in until the password to your account is changed.
  3. Instant Messaging – I lie down, relax and chit-chat with my friends using various free applications like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Skype etc. It is the best way to stay connected to your friends in wee hours.
  4. Social networking – Apart from instant messaging, social media is another good option. I scan through my friend’s posts or post what’s on my mind instantly irrespective of where I am or what I am doing. Social media is the most interesting aspect of having Internet on mobile. Tip :For all the socially active people, nothing can be more fun than staying connected with your friends 24*7. You can use multiple social media accounts on your phone and get instant updates, post on walls, chat, etc. For e.g. Twitter, Facebook, etc.
  5. Use a search engine – Wikipedia, dictionary or any info that I need is available at the back of my hand. Tip :You can use any search engine like Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc. just like you do on a personal computer using the Internet.
  6. Get news – I either search for news like Google News or download various free/paid applications to update myself of the latest news. Some of the applications being Huffington Post, IANS, etc. that gives all the latest news updates in whatever category one likes.
  7. Bank online – Banking through mobile phones using the Internet is much more convenient with the latest mobile banking technology. I keep a tab on all my expenses, savings, and payments through online banking. Tip: You can login to your bank account through phone, check your account details, and make transactions like NEFT, etc. any moment.
  8. Watch a video – I have my fun of watching unlimited videos and sometimes catching up the missed episodes of my favorite serials. Tip: Make sure that you confirm the plan before you download a video as some providers do not support video downloads for e.g., YouTube videos and charge extra money.
  9. Read/Write a blog – Blogging was never so easy. Internet on phone has made it easy for me to read other blogs and update my own blog time to time. Tip: You can read unlimited blogs and also post your thoughts simultaneously if you have the Internet access on your mobile phone.
  10. Online shopping – With increase in e-commerce sites and support of mobile banking, I browse through various sites and shop online for my favourite products. This saves me the hassle of going to the stores during rushed up weekends and standing in the long ques to pay up.
  11. Play online games – Online gaming is an interesting feature with unlimited download options and variety of applications available in stores. Not only those, I frequently download online games of my choice and also experience the exciting new world of apps. Tip : If you are more of a social person and love to make friends from different sides of the world, you can also have applications where you get to meet and chat with such people and make friends.

It’s a boom for the mobile industry as people look forward to faster data access, more information and multimedia services through their mobile phones. Gone are the days when you had to wait to reach your home, switch on your computer and connect to the Internet for doing a simple task. Internet on mobile is much more fun, easier and keeps you involved. So, what are you waiting for? Grab the best deal from your telecom service provider and get going. I vouch for for best deals and experiences. Now it’s your turn to experience the change!


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