Honor 8, The perfect partner: Sexy X Trustworthy!

honor 8 review

Looking for that ideal man? Aah, we can’t give any advice there but if you are looking for an ideal phone, we have you covered. Here are five traits that make Honor 8 the perfect man in our lives. Let’s talk straight to the point.


5 traits that make Honor 8 the must have phone in your life


honor 8 review
Honor 8 is the man in our lives!


honor 8 specifications
Your everyday statement accessory!


1. Sexy : The body, the colour, the design..what’s not to love? The minute you lay your eye on the phone, you miss a beat. The Saphire blue colour, the curved body and the glass front & back kicks you in your mind till you eventually give in and make a pass at the phone.

P.S. Handle with care. It may slip away from your hands anytime, we mean it!

Must read: Honor focuses on design with the refreshingly cool Honor 8

2. Trustworthy : The phone won’t leak out any of your secrets. The finger print sensor adds layers of security to the phone and it’s just you who can access it. You can totally rely on the phone. Honor 8 is style multiplied and the Saphire Blue colour is what a woman wants- being Sexy and Trustworthy at the same time.

3. Intelligent : This is one non-negotiable quality in any man. Honor 8 won’t let you down there. The phone takes you seamlessly from work to casual to work to casual and then back to work. Oh Yes! In-between those high profile meetings and a casual lifestyle, Honor 8 is the metrosexual man of his toes.


honor 8 specifications
Perfect for hanging out.


Honor 8 camera review
Tall, dark and handsome!


honor 8 design review
The phone’s always watching your back!


4. Compatible : This one quality makes a man and woman fit each other like a puzzle piece. The phone is an ace here. Life becomes easier and fun with Honor 8. With no or little reasons to complain, it’s like a hand in glove story.

5. Mature : The phone can handle you and your tantrums. The battery life is good to take you through the day and you can talk & browse as much as you want. The phone cares and loves back with equal intensity. The 12 MP dual lens camera captures brilliant light and details and the 8 MP front camera delivers stunning selfies. The phone compliments day in & day out, just like your ideal man.

Must Read: Honor 8 Camera review

While no one is perfect, these five traits make the phone closer to the one you would want to be with for the long haul. I have had a 15 day relationship with the phone and trust me, the courtship period is just awesome. I get the confidence to walk that long path.

*You can buy the phone from Amazon here.

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