Honor 5X: High Voltage Picture Drama

huawei honor 5x review

If your phone can double up as your mainstream camera, well that’s just fabulous. Honor 5X won’t disappoint you there. The new edge phone helps you take pictures in all kinds of light, let’s you add your touch to them and makes you look, well YOU!

What is that one tool a Fashion Blogger requires all the time- A Camera. Walking through the lanes of your city to travelling far wide to attending launches and fashion previews, a camera is always in hand. And when your phone lets you do your job, you can multi task. Live uploading, live streaming are just the few advantages you get. In a 15 day span, my life has become faster, hassle free and fun. Honor 5X is my man for the moment.

I always had this DSLR vs Phone Camera issue. Why can’t our phone cameras give that quality? Why can’t life be simpler that you click a photo and upload it instantly without going through filters and corrections? And most important why can’t you get that picture quality? A phone camera may not give that dslr quality but if a picture comes close, work is done. Honor 5X somewhere qualifies on that note.

Here are some pictures from my recent photo shoot by Honor 5X and like it’s said, “A picture says a 1000 word”, my pictures will talk for the camera quality. I don’t need to say no more. Most of these are raw images, as it is uploaded from the phone.


honor 5 x price
Happy Picture = Happy Me

Honor 5x review

huawei honor 5x review

honor 5x picture quality


honor 5x picture quality


honor 5 x review


A couple of more Honor 5X shots


honor 5x camera quality
Look at the clarity in colors.

 honor 5x camera


Honor 5X Camera & Features


  • The phone has 13MP rear camera and 5MP front camera.
  • High quality resolution and pictures.
  • Ample filters and modes to enhance pictures and videos.
  • Camera features: HDR, slow motion, all focus, panorama, Time Lapse, beauty, food etc and etc.
  • The phone creates various folders on its own in the gallery to compartmentalise pictures on the basis of usage and download. For example, Camera, screenshots, Instagram, Facebook etc folders are created with respective pictures.
  • Excellent color and detailing under good lighting. The use of filters corrects the low light shots.
  • Sharp picture output with little graining or noise.
  • The selfies come out very well. The camera picks the face color and gives flawless pictures.

End note on Honor 5X

The phone has many features to fall for. Finger Print Sensor, long battery life, HD Camera, Big screen are some of them. And the biggest of all- the price point. At Rs 12,999/- , it’s a clean swipe. Available online at Amazon & Flipkart, pick your piece today.

You can buy at Amazon.in here.

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