Honor and Fashion and Design Council of India (FDCI) collaborated for the second time for the Amazon India Fashion Week and gave a stunning show where designer duo Pankaj & Nidhi and Rina Dhaka stunned the audience with their collections. What’s more interesting is the fact that 6 faces selected by Honor walked the ramp for the first time and what an entry they made. Here is all from the show that saw walking talking ‘Honor’ faces hailing from small towns and making big in the city of opportunities, Delhi.
Honor India conducted a social media contest called ‘Hunt for the Face of Honor’ in association with FDCI and Instagram in January this year. The winning prize: Walk the ramp at the Amazon India Fashion Week Autumn Winter 2017.
This interesting contest had people from the length and breadth of the country sending in their entries with their pictures and swag quotient. After a thorough screening, 26 made it to the top which included 13 sirens and 13 hunks. All of them were called to Delhi and auditioned at the FDCI quarter in front of an eminent jury. The jury comprised of the President FDCI Sunil Sethi, Rina Dhaka, J J Valaya amongst prominent other faces. Six (3 males, 3 females) made it to the top and underwent a strenuous training to make it for the Big Day.
The final six included Surabhi Singla, Sangeeta Gharu, Lavina Israni, Dushyant Raghuvanshi, Rahul Sharma and Mayank Bajpai. They walked the ramp for Rina Dhaka and marked the beginning of an aspiring career in the fashion industry. Vaani Kapoor was the showstopper and made everyone skip a beat with an enthralling entry. The six winners of #FaceofHonor made an entry into the world of glamour with a bang and it’s only the road ahead from here. Watch the video and see all of them fulfilling their dreams.
What a fabulous show and kudos to Honor for supporting young talent and providing a huge platform to make dreams come true.
You can read about the complete screening of the top six here. Let’s Expresso exclusively covered the entire event at the screening and gets you the highlights from the show now. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to get all the fashion swag.