Earth Hour 2016: #ChangeClimateChange Campaign

earth hour 2016

Shorten winters, prolonged summers? This is just one side effect and a major one. Global warming and climate change is the SOS concern of today. Since every step counts, let’s take the smaller ones at our levels and let it lead into one big combined result. Let’s pledge for Earth Hour 2016.

Earth Hour is a massive worldwide movement by WWF to save the planet. The event encourages individuals, households, businesses and larger communities to turn off their non-essential lights for an hour from 8:30 pm to 9:30 pm towards the end of March. This movement is a symbol of commitment to the planet.

Earth Hour 2016

Earth Hour 2016 is on March 19, Saturday from 8:30 pm to 9:30 pm as per participant’s local time.


earth hour 2016


earth hour 2016


#ChangeClimateChange Campaign

DU Group in collaboration with WWF for the 10th time supports the Earth Hour, C-Plan environmental awareness campaign. This year, they take the symbolism of the ‘lights out’ into the digital space with the #ChangeClimateChange campaign from March 11 to March 19’16. For the Earth Hour initiative, DU apps has launched the H5 game to engage with users for creating social buzz and awareness. The H5 game is launched within the 3 apps- DU Battery Saver, DU Speed Booster and ES File Explorer.

Let’s support #DUandES in this initiative.


earth hour 2016


How Light up the Sky H5 game works?

Line to turn off the lights, guide users to turn off all the lights in the buildings showed on the screen. Once users turn off the lights, they can see part of the stars until they can see the vast galaxy.

The game only works on mobile.

Game Link:

The video below explains it all. Do have a look.


It’s time to do our bit. Take a pledge to Shine a light on climate action by switching off all your non-essential lights from 8:30 pm to 9:30 pm on Saturday, 19th March 2016. Every action counts and it’s on us to make this initiative a success. Let’s work together for a better tomorrow.

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