This is what separates great brands from good brands. Dettol India bowled me over today. Delhi is undergoing the unlockdown phase and it’s scary to still move out. While we all are fighting this battle in our stride, certain gestures have become a part of our lives. Some of them are masking up, using a sanitizer and ensuring a covid appropriate behaviour. Just here, Dettol India made an impact in my life today. #DettolSalutes Our Protectors and this hamper is a proof.
About #DettolSalutes Our Protectors Campaign
With #DettolSalutes campaign, the brand Reckitt replaces logo with Covid-19 stories. As a tribute to our protectors, Dettol is spreading stories of all the heroes who through their selfless actions have helped those in need while spreading hope to the entire nation. The message is clear & loud: Each action can make a difference and together, we can overcome difficulties.
The company has curated stories of individuals from across India including seniors to youth, metros to smaller cities.
The 4 million #DettolSalutes packs will be available online & across 500,000 stores in India.
What’s inside the ‘#DettolSalutes Our Protectors Hamper’? Let’s take a look together.
The parcel came as a surprise. When I read the sender’s name as Reckitt Benckiser, I knew there was something special. The hunch came true soon. I opened the parcel to see a sizzling green box and the weight of it said it all. My fingers trembled as I opened it. They trembled out of excitement and appreciation. Appreciation for the brand and the fact that the brand cared for me. Dettol India, you know how to make a girl feel special.

It has what we need everyday.
- My #DettolSalutes Protector Pack
- Dettol multi-use wipes
- Dettol original soap, pack of 4
- Dettol Antiseptic liquid
- Dettol Nourish Bodywash
- Dettol Laundry Sanitizer
- Dettol Disinfectant Spray
- Dettol Disinfectant liquid
- Dettol Sanitizer
- Dettol Citrus fragrance soaps
- Dettol Hand wash & refill
- Dettol N95 Mask
Who hasn’t used Dettol products? I know no one. Sometimes the timing matters. Sometimes the gesture matters. Here it is both. I have worked with innumerable brands till date. I have seen brands going the extra mile to make you feel appreciated. I have seen brands showering their love on you from all angles. Today is another feather in that cap.
I’ll end the post by saying, Thank you Dettol India. This truly touched my heart. I wish you keep on serving my country by bringing effective products in mass pricing that makes it affordable for everyone to get their hands on quality products.
You rock as a brand! #DettolSalutes Our Protectors!
Proud to be a part of this campaign. You can also generate your custom Dettol Protector pack at
Gratitude. Selflessness. Care.
I’ll see you all soon with another post. Keep following the blog for more. I’m available on Instagram here. I make interesting content on motivation & self betterment. See you there.
You can find me on Facebook here & here.
Take care everyone! Stay safe. Stay Protected.
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