10 quick fashion tips for men

fashion tips for men

Hi there. I am smiling away to glory while writing this article and the only reason is that my practical fashion tips that I implement on my father, brother and now husband are taking a written form today. Men Men Men- they can be super stylish or super tacky, super conscious or with I-give-a-damn-attitude. So here is a list of 10 quick fashion tips for men that I have complied as an easy guidance. These are simple, no hassle and very easy to implement.

So here we go with my fashion tips for men.

  1. Have fun with casual wear. Casual wear can be fun and playful. Wear bright colours and give the regulars greys and black a miss. A very simple and effective tip.
  2. Add some elements. Next time, buy a collared t-shirt than a regular round neck. Why not a V neck or a t-shirt with a hood? All these add newness and spark your look.fashion tips for men
  3. Buy loafers and wear them under your jeans and half pants. Too much in vogue now-a-days, loafers give a very stylish look to the feet.
    Blue Lofer
  4. Check the fit. Don’t wear loose and large size clothes. Wear clothes that fit neatly and closer to your body. Avoid being tight.
  5. Keep it simple. Do not accessorize too much. Add an interesting watch or a simple accessory and say a total no to too many accessories or colors at the same time.
  6. Take a second opinion. Take a friend along for shopping or consult a friend for a better look. There is no harm or an ego tussle in checking what suits you the most. It’s gonna favour you only.
  7. Give importance to detailing. Wrap the scarf nicely around your neck and neatly tie that tie knot. All this makes a difference- a BIG difference.
  8. Ask for a feedback. Sometimes all we need is a double assurance that we are dressed right. Ask a friend, relative, brother or your father for a feedback on your look. Probably they will give you a Thums up or an advice. You are in a good situation either side.
  9.  Don’t jump for trends. Wear as per your body type and requirement. A good look makes a good day. Don’t wear something because the advertisements are talking about it. Wear as per your need and look.
  10. Last but not the least, EXPERIMENT. This is the best way to learn and improve. So what if you will make a mistake, there is always tomorrow. Don’t be shy and underestimate yourself. Experiment with new looks and make everyday count.

I really hope that these tips make improvements in your daily looks and make you stylish and confident. If you have something to add, I would love to hear…


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