Hair Loss Causes

Causes of hair loss

Considering the erratic lifestyle and stress that we face, hair loss has become a common problem for an increasing number of people. Harsh chemicals, extreme environmental conditions, heat, pollution and use of straighteners and dryers add to the problem and are incremental for hair loss causes.

Today we help you understand what causes hair loss and how some easy tips can help you reduce hair fall.

On an average we lose about 50 -100 hair a day! If ignored and not taken care of, hair loss can become a matter of great concern. Thus, it is recommended that one keeps a tab on the signs and symptoms. Hair loss can sometimes be an early sign for a serious medical condition, so never ignore it.

The top 5 reasons of hair loss are

  • Hereditary hair loss

There are chances that you inherited the hair loss gene from either your mother’s side or your father’s side. The result in both the cases is hair loss. The chances increase to a greater degree if both your parents had hair loss.

  • Hair loss due to Hypothyroidism

A large number of people suffer from thyroid. The thyroid hormone is essential for metabolism and maintaining heart rate. The condition when your body produces very little is called Hypothyroidism. In this condition hair and nails become very brittle and break easily.

  • Excessive styling

Curl one day and straight the other! Excessive styling can prove to be very dangerous for your hair health. Too much shampooing, coloring, blow drying etc. can lead to hair breakage. Making things worse is the heat and the use of chemicals in the styling products.

Avoid using hair appliances that overheat your hair. While blow drying keep the settings on cool. Hair coloring should be a strict no- no.

  •  Iron deficiency

Iron deficiency or anemia is one of the major causes of hair loss, especially in women. To combat the iron deficiency, eat iron rich food – beans, green leafy vegetables, fish etc. Also include foods rich in Vitamin C in your diet as it enhances the iron absorption.

  • Scalp conditions

Certain skin conditions of the scalp like dandruff, fungal infections, psoriasis etc. can lead to increased hair loss. It is highly recommended that you consult a dermatologist to know the exact condition of your scalp and get the right treatment or medication.

Now that you have understood the hair loss causes, it is important that you take appropriate measures to reduce hair fall.

Causes of hair loss
Image 1: Carrying an umbrella in the Sun is a highly recommended way to save hair from harmful UV rays.

Here are some tips that would be helpful in Hair fall Treatment

  1. Eat right – a balanced diet with a healthy mix of fruits, vegetables, nuts and cereals is the key to good health.
  2. Use a shampoo and conditioner depending upon your hair type.
  3. Say yes to oiling! Oil your hair once a week using your favorite oil and see a visible change in your hair health.
  4. Deep conditioning is highly beneficial for your hair and would help reduce hair fall.
  5. Talk to your dermatologist. He/she is the best judge to understand the main reason for your hair loss and would give the right treatment.
  6. Indulge yourself in a hair spa session and pamper your hair once in a while.
  7. Hair packs can help reduce hair fall, so make some easy hair masks at home and give your hair the much needed rejuvenation. Here are some easy DIY hair packs:
  • Fenugreek seeds hair pack

One of the most tried and tested homemade formula to reduce hair fall is fenugreek seed hair pack. It is a great remedy to prevent dull and dry hair and also encourages hair growth.

Soak 2 – 3 tbsp. fenugreek seeds (methi seeds) in water for 10 – 12 hours. Make a fine paste of these soaked seeds and apply it all over your hair and scalp. Let it dry for 30 minutes and then wash off with lukewarm water.

Don’t throw the water in which the seeds were soaked. Rinse your hair twice a week using this infused water. It helps in hair growth and helps you get rid of dandruff.

  • Olive Oil hair pack

Olive oil is a very beneficial ingredient for your hair. It nourishes the roots and adds volume. Mix olive oil and honey into a smooth concoction and apply all over your hair. Leave it for 30 minutes and then wash off using a mild shampoo.

  • Amla hair pack

Amla or Indian gooseberry is a miraculous product. It is rich in Vitamin C and its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties make it a superb ingredient for hair packs.

Take amla powder and mix it with water to make a thick paste. Apply evenly all over your hair and scalp and let it dry. The hair pack is a great remedy to get rid of dandruff.

Give your hair the care and nourishment that they deserve. And sometimes, a tad bit of extra pampering and then see how you get lustrous long hair! Try these hair loss solutions and see a considerable improvement in the quality & health of your hair. And for a severe and consistent problem, see a hair expert at the earliest.

Featured image: Image courtesy of David Castillo Dominici at

Image 1: Image courtesy of stockimages at

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