Braided updos and sleek side-braids are the latest autumn/winter runway trend. Hair braids for long hair, voluminous locks and chic ponytails are swamping the runways. The braided hair styles with medium and long hair braids are very stylish this season. These trends can be conveniently done at home with little practice. Fish tail braid is my favourite and I have learnt it well with practice. Whether with jeans or skirts or suits, this works well for all looks.
Let’s looks at some variations and accessories for hair braids for long hair to make them more fun and colorful.
Braided Ribboned Updo: This looks difficult but it’s doable at home with a little trick. Long hair braids do the trick here. Braid your hair cross the hairline and add ribbons as you proceed. Secure the braid ends and wrap the remaining braid into a circle at the crown portion. Do pin it properly and finish with a hold spray so that the updo stays as it is.
Sleek side braids: You can do the regular braid side ways or try variations. A fish tail braid looks the most stunning. You can even do 4 strand hair braid or 5 stand hair braid. These long hair braids look just so cool. Braided hair styles are the hottest this season. You can add ribbons or threads as you make these braids and add many colours on the go. Check the following link for hair braids for long hair :
4 strand hair braid :
5 strand hair braid :
Fish tail braid:
The braids are no longer the school look. Side braids, fish tail braids, peasant braids or braided updos look classy and chic and take years off you aswell. Accessorise them with beautiful hair bands, hair ties, hairpins, scarves and ribbons. I am learning the 4 strand hair braid now-a-days and will soon perfect that aswell. It’s so much fun wearing it with a nice bauble and matching the hair accessories with my outfit. Let’s Expresso beautiful hair braids this season.