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Everytime I go to my Loreal salon for a haircut, the hair stylist starts with his routine complaints of my hair being dry, lumpy, lacking lusture etc etc. Though in reality I find my hair good, neat and very manageable. Maybe it’s his mandate to ensure customers buy a spa therapy or another expensive treatment. The best is the junior guy giving me all the knowledge about hair care during a wash. I mean, c’mon man, I ought to know more than you and the behaviour of my hair is my biggest concern and I’ll take that spa if I genuinely feel the need of it. But that 10 minutes of hair washing and conditioning updates me with the latest procedures at the salon. And, the recent innovation being the redundancy of hair oils. Suddenly the age old therapy is out! Hair oils are replaced by hair spas and blahs till the time Loreal itself launches some Mythic oil worth Rs 950 for a tiny 125 ml bottle which becomes the very essential for living.
So taking a cue from my own hair joys and sorrows, here are 5 hair myths busted.
- Hair oils are not required by hair. Hair oils are the best conditioners and when applied warm, deep condition too. The hair post wash feels softer and smoother. Hair oils penetrate into the hair shaft way inside rather than just coating it. Hair health improves many times with regular usage of hair oils.
- Frequent trims improve hair growth. Hair on its own grows about quarter an inch every month with or without trimming. Trimming helps in giving an even look the hair edges thus, make them look neater and thicker. Hair doesn’t look lumpy and stays happy.
- Cold water is good for hair. Hair doesn’t react to hot or cold water. Hair stylists do love to promote cold water rinse, instead have fun while washing your hair by using body bearable water temperature.
- Brush 100 strokes for healthy hair. Keep brushing to bay by using it for styling or detangling your hair. Use a wide comb or a paddle brush depending upon the usage. Frequent combing leads to frequent breakage of hair.
- Lesser shampoo will lead to lesser oil secretion from the scalp. Lesser shampoo will only accumulate dirt and grime on the scalp leading to infections and irritations. Shampoo as often as required for hair health. Frequency of shampoo does not affect scalp oil secretion.
How to keep healthy hair?
- Drink lots of water. Yes it help to keep hair healthy.
- Eat proteins, salads and fruits. Healthy hair is built from within. Healthy diet= Healthy hair.
- Oil regularly. It acts as the best conditioner.
- Avoid hair treatments like straightening and perming that break the cuticle of the hair.
- Indulge in hair spas. They pamper the hair but do not ignore oiling.
- Stay happy. A happy you means happy health and happy hair.
- Go for hair cuts. A nice hair cut adds a new dimension to the overall look. It elevates the appearance and gives a new confidence. Experiment with your hair length. It’s ok to shed a few inches to get a new look. The hair will grow back, don’t worry!
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